Proud Wench to the Pirates of Sweetwater
The title of this section comes from a You Tube video called The Pirates of Sweetwater Crick. What can I say, I love these guys (and lady). Thanks to Triskal for letting me post it here!
The Young Riders ran from 1989 - 1992 and starred Stephen Baldwin as William F. Cody, Josh Brolin as James Butler Hickock, Brett Cullen as Marshal Sam Cain, Travis Fine as Ike McSwain, Don Franklin as Noah Dixon, Melissa Leo as Emma Shannon, Ty Miller as The Kid, Christopher Pettiet as Jesse James, Gregg Rainwater as Running "Buck" Cross, Yvonne Suhor as Louise "Lou" McCloud, Clare Wren as Ranchel Dunne, and Anthony Zerbe as Teaspoon Hunter.
Set just before the American Civil War, the series depicted the lives of Pony Express riders based at a waystation in Sweetwater, Kansas (and in the 3rd season, they relocate to Rock Creek, Nebraska). While the Pony Express last a little over a year and a half, the show lasted twice as long!
DISCLAIMER: The majority of these charcaters are not mine and never will be excpet for in my imagination. They belong to Sony, MGM, ABC & Ed Spiegel. And since I'm so broke I spend all my time working on my website, I have made no money on these stories at all. The only thing I have gained from this expierence, is a bunch of wonderful and talented friends! And if TPTB deem that I am not worthy I will gladly remove this page and deny everything! Enjoy :)
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