Where the Clues Lead

Part 4- Waterhole; Mid-afternoon

The cold water felt so soothing on her bare skin. Lou wasn't looking forward to talking to Kid. She'd rehearsed what she was going to say so many times on the trip back from Blue Creek, but knew Kid would have his own ideas. She was thankful he didn't know, and was looking forward to having some fun before things got serious.

Lou ducked under the water, and didn't hear the rider approach. When she surfaced, she could sense Kid's presence even with her back turned. It was time for the moment of truth. "Come on in, Kid. You can't imagine how good this feels!"

Kid dismounted and stripped down to his long johns. He hustled to the edge of the water and grinned when he saw her. "Okay, here I come!" He couldn't believe it when Lou started to laugh at him. "What's so funny?"

"The longjohns. Kid, it ain't like I never seen you without 'em on before..."

Kid removed the top, but left his bottoms and boots on. He wanted to be prepared in case they needed to make a quick get away for whatever reason. Looking around he finally dove in and swam over. It felt good to have her in his arms again.

"That's better already." Lou said smiling at him.

"You ain't hidin' a coupla husbands on me, are you?"

"Mmm, Kid, I ain't lived long enough to have a coupla husbands."

"Well, you're sure pretty enough to have a coupla hundred..." They started to kiss, but Kid didn't want to be distracted from what he needed to do to make things right.

Lou sensed his hesitation. "Kid, what's wrong with you?"

"It just don't feel right."

"Sure feels right to me."

God he couldn't think when she moved like that. "Well, yeah... it just ain't the way I was brought up." Lou groaned. She knew where this was going, and couldn't look him in the eye. She turned away from him and settled into his lap as he continued. "I was taught that when a man and woman... when they been doin' what we've been doin' that it ain't proper unless... well, unless..."

"'Scuse me, Kid. But you ain't fixin' to propose?" She turned back to look in his eyes.

"No! Well, maybe... I guess not... Well, yeah, maybe I am". His hand caressed her still flat stomach. "It ain't right otherwise Lou."

Lou couldn't believe that he thought he knew. "Well then, I'm afraid I won't be able to accept."

Kid couldn't believe what he'd just heard. Lou knew his upbringing would not allow him to let their baby come in to the world unless they were married. "Why not?"

"Because where I was brought up, I was taught that when a man comes proposin', it's supposed to be on bended knee!" She pushed the Kid under the water and started to swim away, but he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him. "And there's no need."

"What do you mean, there's no need? Of course there is."

Lou shook her head. "Kid, you askin' me to marry you because you want to?"

"Because I want too, because of the baby... I mean..."

"Kid what baby?"

"Our baby. I mean it is our..."

"Kid don't even think of finishin' that sentence."

"But I thought..."

Lou pushed him away as she started to glare at him. "You thought what?"

"I mean Jimmy and Cody and Buck..."

"What about Jimmy, Cody and Buck? They don't know anything."

"Well you gettin' sick like you did, and Rachel takin' you to another town to see a doctor..."

"They knew there had to be a baby." She shook her and started laughing. She could only imagine the conversation the boys had in her absence. "Kid I thought so too but there's no baby."


"When I was in Green River, I was missin' you. They had a restaurant that specialized in Southern cooking. The kind you always talk about your ma makin'. And well Kid, I gotta tell ya, grits don't like me as much as I don't like them." Kid still look puzzled. "It was just a case of bad food poisoning."

"There's no baby?" Kid grinned from ear to ear relieved. "You tried grits? For me?" Lou nodded and smiled. "Lou?"


"I love you."

"I love you too, Kid "