Where the Clues Lead

Part 1- The Bunkhouse; Early Morning, before breakfast

Lou woke up feeling even worse than she had when she'd gotten in the night before. She hated riding during the late summer months and she's been so tired lately, that after refusing Kid to let him take her ride, she took him up on his suggestion to take a few days to relax.

She hated being told what to do, especially by Kid, but after arriving in Green River a day earlier than she had been expected, she refused the invitation to bunk there, and instead checked in to the town's one hotel for the evening. She'd taken a relaxing, luxurious bath and pampered herself for once. In the past, Louise would've emerged from her shell, and gone looking for some companionship, but since Kid & Lou had gotten together, she'd left her alter ego in the room.

She'd decided to eat at the hotels upscale restaurant, and was surprised to find southern cooking on the menu. Hearing Kid talking about his favorite meals, growing up in Virginia, Lou had decided to try some Fried Chicken with okra and collard greens. She had been surprised to find out how much she liked it and had returned in the morning for something called grits. Well at least she could tell Kid how much she had enjoyed the dinner.

Heading back that morning she'd gotten violently ill. She rested for awhile, but by late afternoon, she knew she'd have to make camp. She felt better by the time she went to bed, but when she woke up the next morning, she had to fight back the nausea. Taking the trip back to Sweetwater more slowly than usual, she'd nibble on the crackers she always carried. Usually she'd feel better, but by the time she finally got back, Buck took one look at her and offered to take care of her horse. Lou had been so tired, she didn't even have the energy to climb onto her bunk and collapsed in Kid's bunk without so much as a "Thank You" or "Hello".

Now as she lay in bed listening to the rest of the guys wash up and prepare for breakfast, she wondered if she could skip it without arising any suspicions.

"Hey, Lou," Cody said. "You better hurry and wash up. Rachel will be here with breakfast soon, and there's a lot of chores to do today and with Kid, Noah & Ike out on runs, you, Buck and Jimmy get all the work."

"Leave her alone, Cody." Jimmy playfully whacked Cody with his hat as they exited the bunkhouse. "Maybe if you pulled your weight around here more, she wouldn't look so tired."

Lou tried closing her eyes, but heard Buck slowly approach. "You got in late. Want me to ask Rachel if we can eat at the house so you can rest?"

"No, I'll be alright." Lou sat up and kicked her legs over the side of the bottom bunk. She tried standing when she felt light headed.

Buck caught her and sat her back on the bed. "You sure?"

Lou nodded. "Just tired of all this heat I reckon'. I'll be out in a minute."

Buck gave her one last look and left the bunkhouse. As he was headed towards the showers, he saw Rachel heading down from the main house to the bunkhouse with breakfast. He approached her and offered to take one of the heavier pots.

"Mornin', Buck. How are you doing?"

"Worried about Lou. She got in late last night, and don't look too good this morning."

"She say anything?"

"She says she's fine, but she ain't lookin' fine. Would you check on her?"

"Sure Buck, you go wash up and then tell the guys to finish bringing breakfast down, and it will be a few minutes late." She said as they reached the bunkhouse. She took back the pot Buck had held and opened the door. "Lou, you ok?"

"Fine, Rachel. I'm just gonna go wash up." She said as she headed towards the door. Rachel gently took Lou's arm.

"You know, the Kid was startin' to get real worried when you didn't get back. He made me promise if you weren't back by this afternoon to send out a search party."

"Kid worries too much."

"From the looks of you, he's got the right."

"I'm fine, just tired is all. The heats gettin' to all of us. Even the horses are more tired than usual."

Rachel looked at Lou skeptically. "All right then, go wash up, breakfast will be ready shortly." Lou started out the door "And Lou." Lou turned back and looked at Rachel. "If you ever need to talk..."

"I know," was all she said before walking out.

By the time Lou had washed up and returned to the bunkhouse, the rest of the boys were almost through eating. "Hope you boys left somethin' for me, I'm starvin'." Lou said as she took her seat.

Rachel placed a plate down in front of Lou and smiled. "Well it was hard keepin' Cody away, but I think we managed to save you something."

Cody smiled and patted his belly. "Can't help it if a growin' boy needs lots of food."

"The only thing still growin' on you," commented Jimmy, "is your belly."

Lou laughed at the usual morning banter, and took a bite of her eggs. Just the smell of them had made her nausea return, but she knew after that first bite, today was not going to be a good day. "'Scuse me boys." She said as she got up and headed for the door.

Everyone but Cody watched her leave. When they went back to eating they noticed Lou's plate was now in front of him. "What?" He asked. ""Well if she ain't goin' eat it..."

"OK boys," Rachel said taking the plate from Cody. "Go start on your chores. The horses need takin' care of, and you promised Teaspoon you'd mend the fence Ike's horse knocked down."

"Aw Rachel." Cody complained.

"Out!" As the boys headed out of the bunkhouse, she grabbed Buck. "You're right she ain't lookin to good. Would you ask her to come up to the main house, I have some things there I want her to work on."

Buck nodded and went off in search of Lou.