Blinded by Fear

~~ Part 1 ~~

Jimmy watched from behind as Lou continued to rub the area her neck where the rope had left its mark. She'd been doing it off and on since they left Willow Springs, usually when she thought he wasn't looking.

"I'm sorry Lou," he said riding up beside her and shaking his head. When they started on this trip, the last thing he had wanted was to cause her more pain than what Kid had already put her through. He never imagined the physical pain she would suffer because of him.

Lou realized she had been rubbing her neck again and stopped. "For someone who only apologizes on Sunday, you're sure doing a lot of it today. I'm fine. It doesn't even bother me anymore."

"Then why do you keep rubbin' the rope burns when you think I'm not watchin' you? You're just makin' the area redder. Maybe Rachel will have somethin' to put on them when we get back."

Lou nodded. "Despite what happened Jimmy, I did have a good time these past few days. The dinner, the dancin', the fair... it made me forget everything. I'd do it again if we had the chance."

"I know you would which is why we can't."

Lou stopped Lightning and stared at Jimmy. "Why not? I thought you enjoyed yourself too."

Jimmy heard the disappointment in Lou's voice and turned Sundance back towards her.

"It ain't that Lou, I did enjoy our time together."

"Then why? Is there something wrong with me?"

"You mean other than the fact you ain't like the rest of us?" Jimmy chuckled but stopped when he saw the look Lou was sending him. He knew better than to cross her when she was like this.

"Let's just say that when I realized that you had been kidnapped and then when I saw you on the end of that rope, I finally understood why Kid's always tryin' to keep you safe."

Jimmy didn't want to admit he'd never been so scared in all his life when he thought she was going to die. The last thing Lou needed right now in her vulnerable state was to learn how deep his feelings for her truly were.

"I should've known you weren't any different from Kid," Lou said angrily as she spurred Lightning into a gallop. She had thought Jimmy was different. He'd always treated her as an equal, not something that was fragile like a china doll.

"Lou, wait," he said trying to catch up to her, but she was going too fast. He tried keeping up but knew it was hopeless. When Lou was determined nothing stood in her way, and right now she was determined to get as far away from him as possible.

Within the hour they had arrived back at the Sweetwater station. Cody and Kid were waiting by the barn when they arrived. Lou dismounted and hurried Lightning inside to brush him down. She wanted to do it quickly and get as far away from both Kid and Jimmy as she could.

"Boy, did you guys miss some excitement around here," Cody chatted away, not noticing the tension.

"Shut up, Cody," Kid spat. "What took you guys so long? We expected you back the day before yesterday."

"The shipment was delayed so we had to wait for it," Jimmy said, not wanting to let them know what really happened.

"You really missed it. Kid here was willin' to duel..."

"I said shut up, Cody!" Kid wasn't ready to talk about what happened with Samantha especially with Lou around. He noticed Lou rubbing her neck and noticed the red marks. "Lou, you okay?"

Lou looked up from brushing Lightning and realized she'd been rubbing her neck again. "Yeah, I'm fine. Guess I got a rash somewhere. Finish up here for me, will ya? I'm going to see if Rachel has something I can put on it," Lou said handing Kid the brush and left the barn.

"Jimmy, what happened in Willow Creek?"

"Nothin', Kid. It was your typical run," Jimmy said not looking up from his task.

Kid grabbed the brush from Jimmy and looked at him. "Then why is Lou's neck red? Looks like she's got rope burns."

"You lost the right to be concerned about Lou when you took up with Samantha, Kid."

"If you hurt her..."

Jimmy turned and faced an angry Kid. "Oh trust me Kid, she enjoyed every minute we were together. 'Specially when we were dancin'. I never knew she was so good at it. I can't believe you gave that up for someone you just met. Was Samantha just as passionate, or did Lou just let loose because she was with a real man?" Jimmy knew he was crossing a line, but he was beyond caring.

Kid lunged for Jimmy knocking him to the ground. The two riders tumbled around throwing punches at each other. Cody stood back and shook his head. He wasn't sure if he should go get Teaspoon or sit back and watch.

"Kid," Cody said, trying to find a way to interfere without getting hurt. "Don't you think you've risked your life enough for a woman this week?"

"What's goin' on here?" Lou said entering the barn. "Cody, what are you talkin' about?"

Teaspoon, having heard a commotion, followed Lou and crossed over to the fighting pair. "Cody, just don't stand there gawkin', help me break this up."

The two tried prying the pair apart without much luck. Kid and Jimmy kept lunging for each other. Lou stood there shocked as she watched the two men she cared for try to kill each other. When Teaspoon and Cody couldn't keep them apart, she grabbed a bucket of water and threw it over them.

"Damn it, Lou!" Jimmy said scrambling to get up. "What'd ya do that for?"

"Lou, what happened in Willow Spring? How'd ya get those rope burns on your neck?" Kid stayed lying on the ground but looked up at her.

"What did Cody mean by you risked your life enough for a woman this week?" She replied back with anger and jealousy all rolled into one.

"Kid got into a duel over Samantha with..." Cody said with a grin.

"Cody, ain't you got some work that needs to doin?" Teaspoon said, cutting him off. Teaspoon had had enough. He knew first hand about the duel, but now as he looked closer at the female rider, he noticed Kid was right. Those were definitely rope burns.

"Okay, all three of you right now, let's go," he said, grabbing Jimmy and Kid by their arms with a little too much force.

"Where Teaspoon? We got chores to do," Jimmy asked, hoping they weren't going where he thought they were.

"Well seein' as how Cody can't keep his nose out of other people's business, he's gonna take care of all of your business. And since you guys are already a little hot under the collar, you won't mind if the four of us go have a chat in the sweat lodge. Now move!"

"But Teaspoon..." all three complained in unison.

"Don't 'But Teaspoon' me. The sooner the three of you work this out, the sooner you can get on with other things. Now go!"