Memories out of Ashes: Part 5:
Joe's Place 6 months later

Lisa and Adam moved back to Seacouver and moved in with each other. Things were going to well for them, almost like a fairy tale. The past was behind them and they did have only the future together. When Joe had learned the truth, he was as shocked and as upset as Duncan had been, but as soon as he met Lisa, he realized why Adam wanted to start over. The only thing that bothered him, was she was too much like Alexa, and someone was going to get hurt.

"Hey Joe." Lisa said as she approached the bar. "How are things going?"

"Pretty good. How about you?" he said as he handed her a beer.

"Great." she said with an uneasy tone in her voice. "Have you seen Adam? I was suppose to meet him here an hour ago, but I was late and he's not here."

"Haven't seen him all day. Did you try over at MacLeods?"

She nodded her head. "He wasn't there, and I tried his cell phone."

"He'll be around, don't worry."

"Can I ask you a question? He won't talk about it."

"I'm not sure, it depends. If he doesn't feel comfortable about talking about it then I..."

"How much did he love Alexa?"

Joe didn't seem shocked. Today would have been Alexa's 26th birthday and he had a pretty good idea where Adam was. "What Adam and Alexa shared was a special bond. He loved her so much, and knowing she was going to die it drove him crazy inside. Even for months after she died, he blamed himself and stayed away from everyone."

"What was she like? I mean I just don't see how he could love anyone that he knew was dying."

"Alexa was the kind of person that put others before herself no matter what. Even though she knew she didn't have much longer, she never let it interfere with her life. Adam fell in love with her the moment he saw her. I think that it was her charm that caught him, but he wouldn't take no for an answer." Joe said as he laughed remembering the day Adam and Alexa at first met. When Lisa started crying, he stopped. "Lees, what's wrong?"

"Joe, I'm scared I'm loosing him again." She said as she started to wipe her tears away quickly. Joe knew Adam was on his way in.

"Hey guys." He said as he walked over to the bar. "Sorry Lisa, I had Watcher's business to take care of." He said as he hugged her and looked over at Joe.

"That's fine." She said as she took a deep breath. "I was running late too. I'm going to get us a table, over there. I'll see you in a bit." She said coldly as she walked towards the empty table.

Adam looked at Joe oddly. "Don't ask me to lie for you." Joe said as he handed Adam a bottle of beer. "I won't do it."

"Joe, I'm not asking you to lie for me."

"Look, as your friend, let me give you a bit of advice someone once told me. Hold on to the memories of yesterday, but don't let go of what you have today." He said as he walked away.

Adam more puzzled than ever walked towards Lisa and sat down. "Lees, what's wrong? You've been crying."

"I'm *fine*." She snapped wiping her eyes and taking a deep breath.

He reached for her hand and held it between his. "No you're not. No secrets, we promised."

Lisa jerked her hand out of Adam's and stood up. "You're the one keeping secrets from me. Where were you all day? I woke up to an empty bed, then you show up late for dinner."

"I told you, it was Watcher's business."

She took her jacket and started to pull it on. "Conviently on Alexa's birthday. When your ready to tell me the truth, find me!" she said as she turned on her heel and walked out.

"Lees. Elista please!" he called after her, but she was already gone.