Passover: Act 2, Scene 3

Present Day: Seacouver- Warehouse by the docks

It was surprisingly warm and dry for a warehouse, but that had more to do with the bar heater on a very long extension lead, than the design of the building. As Becky glanced around she could see the generic dark corners, and she could hear some pipes complaining about the night's temperature drop. the gag was tight between her lips, but perversely all she could think about was how glad she was it was clean. It had a vaguely perfumed taste, as if it had just been washed.

To say that the young woman was not afraid would have been a lie, but in many ways she was more worried for little Mary. Their captor had not physically hurt either of them, but the way he looked at the toddler frightened Becky. It was the half doting, half psychotic gaze that made her the most anxious. Corinth seemed almost indifferent to her, but not to Mary at all.

The Scotsman had done his best to make sure the little girl was comfortable, and he'd actually played with her in the afternoon. It was when she had started crying for her mother that his mood had changed. At first he'd yelled at Mary, and of course she's cried harder; then he's tried to comfort her, which didn't work either because he was the one who had frightened the small girl. When he'd released Becky to look after the child, the baby sitter had been so terrified of the emptiness in his eyes that escape had never crossed her mind.

Becky hadn't seen anyone else, but Corinth was never gone for long. This time he returned with what looked like take-away boxes. The tall man walked in front of his captives and put his burden down on the boxes which sufficed as a table. Then it didn't take him more than a few strides to cross the distance between himself and the back of Becky's chair. The young woman couldn't help stiffening as she felt his touch on her hands, and he actually laughed. Her bonds loosened with efficient speed and then he walked towards Mary.

"Take what you want," Corinth said coldly as he moved past Becky. "I hope you like Chinese."

The baby sitter hadn't eaten since breakfast, so she didn't hesitate long. Her kidnapper seemed much more interested in Mary, but she never doubted for a second that the man was watching her. he moved like a predator, and she did not try and hide her fear. She was pretty sure her presence was fairly irrelevant in the current scenario, but that could mean she was in more danger than she would otherwise have been. There was no doubt in her mind that if she caused trouble this dark haired Scot would kill her.

He had knelt down next to Mary's pen when Becky next glanced over, and he had produced several items from the pockets of his coat. It appeared that the little girl was being offered a somewhat healthier diet to the meal for the adults.

"Do you like apples, Mary?" Corinth asked with what Becky took to be a somewhat insane smile.

He offered the child a slice of the fruit he cut with a small knife that seemed to have materialized from nowhere. Mary just looked at the offering, her little eyes vaguely tearful. She was tired, and she wanted her mother, that much was very clear. This was one little girl not very interested in gifts from a stranger.

"Come on little one," the Scotsman continued, "it's a good apple," and he popped the piece into his mouth.

He held out a fresh slice to her. She stared across at him, and Becky could see the wail coming before it started. The baby sitter froze at the sound, unsure and afraid of what Corinth's reaction might be. He definitely did not look happy. For a few second neither of the adults moved as the pitiful crying filled the building, and then everything was over in a flash of movement. The Scotsman was on his feet, stalking away from the circle of light.

"Look after her," he commanded icily, and disappeared into the darkness.

It took Becky more than a few minutes to calm Mary down enough to stop her tears. She did not consider trying to find the exit. The young woman felt like a fly in a spider's web, she knew she was being observed. Only as the little girl fell into an unsettled silence did Corinth reappear. As he came closer, Becky realized he was carrying the Tickle Me Elmo doll. Mary brightened immediately, and the tall man presented her with the toy.

"Elmie," she cried, delighted and diverted for the moment.

Becky could not look at their captor.