Passover: Act 1, Scene 3

Present Day: Seacouver- Anne's Yard

Later that day as Duncan was leaving, he felt the sensation again, and reached for his sword as he rounded the bushes. There, watching Anne's house was Corinth. "Who ever you are you better start explaining what you're doing here."

"I figured ye dunnae remember me," he said, "But I assure you, I havenae forgotten you."

"If you're challenging me, then do so. If not, leave before I call the police."

"Ye havenae changed, MacLeod." Corinth said shaking his head. "Always waiting until yer opponent is most vulnerable before attacking. Ye were the same then as ye are now."

"I still have no idea what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about this!" his voice escalated as he lowered the collar of his shirt low enough to reveal a scar on his left shoulder blade, where it met his neck . "Ye cousin Robert did this to me in the battle for our land in 1620. My son who had every chance and advantage at killing ye, was weak and vulnerable when he saw me die. So much so, that ye took the only way ye could, and killed him while he couldnae defend himself. You took the same thing from Jamie, that Robert took from me. Life. The only difference, is I'm here now and he isnae."

"So your holding a grudge for a battle that happened over 370 years ago, one before we became Immortal? One I don't even remember? Tell me, do you hold a grudge for everyone you've ever lost in all the battles Scotland fought for and lost?"

"The grudge is for killing the one thing that meant more than my own life. A life where I've spent everyday longing that it had been my son that survived. Tell me MacLeod, have ye ever lost a child?" he didn't give Duncan a chance to answer. "Mary's a beautiful little lass. I'd watch her closely if I were you."

"Are you making a threat?"

"No, I'm making a promise. I swore revenge against ye and yer clan that day, and I willnae rest until I've gotten it."

"Let me promise you this. If anything happens to Anne or Mary, you won't live long enough to speak your son's name." Duncan sheathed his katana and walked back towards the house. Corinth just shook his head.