Chris's Chronicles Book 2: Part 7:
Suspicions Aside...
1995: Arizona

Chris was resting comfortably at her house in Arizona for the first time since she had become a Watcher. The house had been one of the few pieces remaining of Will's, other than her sword, that she couldn't give up. It was late August and it was coming up quickly on the fiftieth anniversary of Will's death.

Every time Chris tried to come home and relax, another Watcher would call her about Jordan being in a possible fight and what did she know of it. Of course she had known about it, she had been there, but she would always answer that Jordan had not been in the area at the time. Finally she resigned as a Field Agent, reporting that Jordan had committed suicide by taking her own head. Now she was back to researching and filling in the gaps in the Jordan Christine Renwyck-Vincente and William Jose Vincente Chronicles. That required little time and gave her much time to relax.

One early morning after the chores around the farm had been taken care of, Chris was doing the Kata which Duncan had taught her long ago. She had just began to feel relaxed and loose when she heard the phone ring.

"Hello?" she said out of breath after she ran to the phone.

"Chris? This is Joe Dawson." Said the voice on the other end of the line.

"Joe, how have you been? I have not heard from you in ages, Still watching MacLeod?"

"Of course. Listen, I wanted to tell you it's a shame about Jordan. Duncan was upset by the news."

"I am sure he was. It must be hard for them to loose a student," She said. She knew Duncan had put on an act for Joe, because Chris had told Amanda to send word to Duncan that she was ok but in hiding,

"Actually, that's why I'm calling. I need you to do me a big favor."

"For you Joe, anything. What can I help you with?"

"It has to do with the legend of Jordan's sword. You know about the sixth generation. Well, this is another legend come true..."

Chris grew silent. Ever since that day when she had seen the little girl, she had thought about her constantly. But now if she had died her first death, she would be fifteen forever. "Is it known yet?"

"It happened about 8 months ago and she needs guidance. Her teachers care for her greatly, but she's become a bit of a handful."

"What can I do?" Chris said as a tear ran down her face. *It is too soon!* she kept saying over and over in her mind.

"How would you like to become her teacher?"

"I am not Immortal Joe. I would not know the first place to begin." It was a lie, and she hated to lie to a good friend. She and Will had taken in many students.

On the other end of the line, Joe grew silent as he sat in his office at the bar. Richie didn't want the responsibility of training someone that was so much like him and Mac wouldn't want to see what Caitlynn had turned into. "Please Chris. We've been friends for a long time, and have I ever asked you to do anything like this for me?"

"But would it not be interfering? I may not be a Field Agent anymore but..."

"She's had a rough life, and you're the only link she has to her family. No one would have to know, you've basically retired anyway."

"All right Joe. I will think about it and book a flight as soon as I can."

"Thanks Chris, this means a lot to me."

"Bye Joe." She said hanging up the phone.

Hundreds of miles away, Joe Dawson sighed. Chris drove his curiosity wild. He had met her at a Watcher's meeting and they became great friends. But there was something about her. She handled a sword better than most Immortals he knew. She had told him it was a hobby that sparked after taking fencing in College and one she enjoyed very much, but it still made him wonder. After all, Adam Pierson who was a Watcher turned out to be the Oldest Living Immortal.