Chris's Chronicles Book 2: Part 2:
1830: Uxmal

"It's beautiful." Kathleen said as she held her daughter's hand. Kathleen was now in her late 40's, and for the first time, Kathleen, Alan, and Charles had gathered with their own families to travel to their father's homeland.

Jordan nodded and watched Will as he sat under their tree with his eyes closed. More of the ruins had been discovered, and Will had to return to see what was left. Part of him felt buried underneath the rubble and was scared to have it revealed. He had left that life behind 1200 years ago and the pain of it resurfacing was to much for him to bare.

"So this is where dad grew up? It doesn't look like much." Charles said.

"It looks like a lot more to your father." Jordan spoke for the first time since Will had left her side. The children now knew about Immortality, thanks to Alan witnessing his father receiving a Quickening. Jordan and Will had explained everything to them, and they seemed to have understood, especially Kathleen who had become quite the expert in sword fighting among the three.

Jordan let go of Alan's grandson and walked towards Will. She sat down next to him and he didn't say anything. "Will?" she asked taking his hand.

He pulled his hand away and held a finger to his mouth telling her to be quiet. Ever since Methos had told him of the news so many years ago, Will seemed to have closed himself out to the world leaving everything but Jordan and the children alone. After a few minutes, Will opened his eyes. "I'm sorry." He said.

"It is all right, I understand." She said. "Are you ok?"

Will shook his head. "I don't know if I'm ready to deal with all the pain this is going to bring back. I was praying to the Gods for guidance and strength."

"Have faith Will. Things will turn out fine."

"You don't seem to care that the place we met, fell in love, and got married is about to be destroyed. Things will never be the same."

"It does not matter to me, that is in the past. The only thing that I care about is here. Now. Being with you now."

Will stood up and walked away. He walked towards the House of the Governor and went into an open door. Kathleen started to go after her father, but Jordan shook her head letting her know he needed to be alone.

"Mamma?" she said as Jordan walked back towards her family. "Is he going to be all right?"

"In time. Go on back to the house, your father and I will meet you there later." The children agreed and Jordan watched them leave. When they were out of sight, she walked to where Will had entered and stood at the doorway. "Will? Can I come in?" There was no answer so she walked in trying to avoid the rubble and stone blocking most of the path. She had gotten lost and was about to panic when she felt Will's buzz.

"Stay where you are, I will find you." He said. Moments later, he turned a corner and found Jordan leaning against on of the walls. "Why did you come in here?"

"Will, do not shut me out, please. I want to be with you, you need me right now."

Will nodded and reached for her hand. He led her around the inside and then back out to the stone turtles on top of where they had been. "I'm scared." He said as he sat down on one of the turtle's backs. "I feel like everything I know, is changing and I can't do a thing about it."

Jordan sat next to her husband and took his hand. This time he didn't pull back. "There is nothing you can do, but let nature take its course. Do you remember what you said to me when I asked you why you did not dig it up yourself?" Will shook his head. "You told me when the Gods see fit, it will happen. At least the pyramid has not yet been discovered, maybe it will not be."

"Nothing is the same anymore. Everything about this place has changed, and not even a tenth of it has been found. It all looks different."

"Did you think it would be the same after being buried for all these centuries? It's a wonder anything is intact."

Will cracked a smile, "We built things well then. I'm so sorry for all the pain I have put you through."

"I am sorry I was not able to help you. I know this is hard for you, and I wanted to be there for you."

Will hugged his wife and smiled. "Come. I want you to meet someone." He said as he took her hand and led her back down several flights into the ruin. When they stopped, Jordan could see nothing but broken stone slabs covering the walls except for the way they came. "Help me move these." He said as he started to pull them away. When the last slab had been removed, Will opened a door and they entered a tomb.

"Where are we?"

"This is my family's tomb." He said as he walked to one the of sarcophagus.

Jordan stood in the doorway in awe. There were tables with rows and rows of items, many made of jade. Will motioned for her to enter and she did slowly. She felt like she was intruding on the gods. "Is it all right to be here?" she said as she walked to him.

He nodded. He took her hand and walked to the corner of the tomb and looked down. He closed his eyes momentarily and when he opened them again, he looked like a new person. "It is more than all right, my family is pleased with you. This is where my mother is laid. She was a very beautiful woman, almost as beautiful as you." He said as he kissed her on the forehead.

Jordan ran her finger over the patterns on the box. They were Mayan charactachures with the words that were to be emphasized in Jade. "What does all of this mean?"

"The fish, is the sign for plentiful harvest. My mother was one of the best female hunters of our tribe. Here on my father's, is Tezcatlipoca. It is the God of war. My father was the governor's war chief. I was to take his place..." he stopped.

Jordan placed her arm around his waist. "Maybe we should leave." She said as a tear rolled down his cheek as he remembered things.

"Not until I find what I'm looking for. My mother would want you to have it." He said as he searched the tables. "Here it is!" he said as he found it inside a gold box. "When I first walked in here I was praying for my family's guidance and support. I was given it, and I feel like I was reborn." He paused again. "I know my mother would want you to have this." He said as he handed her a gold and jade statue. "It is a mother carrying an infant, one that was not her own."

Jordan took the statue and cried. "It is lovely."

Will sighed as he saw his wife happy. "Can you ever forgive me for the things I have done to you? I have let you down and had my family disgraced until now."

"You never let me down Will. We all go through hard times. I felt like I had brought disgrace to you for not being able to help you through what ever pain you were suffering. I now know it was because you thought that you had brought disgrace to your family's honor. You could never disgrace anyone." She said as she kissed him. "Especially me."

"I love you. I know my family is watching me from whichever worlds they have ascended to, and that they are pleased with you. Come. We will celebrate this rebirth of my life with family. We will hold a celebration like no other." He said as he picked her up and carried her out of the building.