The Blessing

~~ Epilogue ~~

Kid watched as the church doors opened and his soon to be wife started walking down the aisle. So much had happened since their trip to St. Joe's, that he wasn't sure if this day would ever come.

They had planned on Teresa being one of the train attendants and Kid had asked Jeremiah to stand with him, but Jeremiah had developed a bad case of pneumonia and it was touch and go for awhile. Lou kept trying to postpone the wedding until he was better, but finally Jeremiah told her that Kid had promised never to hurt her, but every time she wanted to postpone it, she was hurting him.

Then the news came that the Express would be ending. Kid had bought a piece of land near the old station in Sweetwater, near their water hole. With Cody soon leaving as a scout for the army, Buck, Noah and Jimmy had offered to help Kid and Lou build their house. If things went according to plan, Teresa and Jeremiah will be living with them by the Holidays.

Kid took another look at Lou and saw Buck turning to smile at him. Lou had never looked more beautiful, everyone could see that, and he knew everything leading up to this day both the good and the bad, had well been worth the wait.