Potest Esse Nur Unus: Part 7

A few days later, Anne had a doctor's appointment and Duncan was out having lunch with his friend Maurice. It was rainy out, and Cat didn't feel like going to the river. Usually if it rained, it was her favorite thing to do, but today she just didn't feel like it. So she decided to sit on the couch and watch TV.

After a while, she fell asleep and was having a dream about her and Richie when she woke up feeling the buzz. She sat up and listened for any noises. She knew it wasn't Duncan's, but it was familiar. Because she was still out of it, she asked "Richie?" But there was no answer. She got up and took her saber from the wall and looked out the window. She saw a shadow moving across the dock. She opened the door and there in front of her stood Jayden.

"So we meet again." he said.

"This time I came prepared." Cat said in response.

"Shall we fight?"

"Well what else did you come for? Dinner?

"I came for your head, and I'm not leaving until I get it." he said as he drew his sword from under his coat.

"Well, I guess you won't be leaving anytime soon."

They raised their swords and started fighting. Jayden didn't realize how good Cat was. She gave him a good fight. The swords hit with a loud clanking sound, and they hit with such power, that sparks flew with each shot.

After about ten minutes, Cat thought she had him, and let her guard down. This was a near fatal mistake. Jayden took the hilt of his sword and hit Cats' leg causing her to fall. He raised his sword, and spoke the words Cat was had been waiting for, "Potest esse nur unus! There Can Be Only One!" and he prepared to take what he'd come for.

Duncan walked down the plank and saw what was going on. "Caitlynn!" Duncan screamed.

Duncans' yelling caused Jayden to be distracted long enough for Cat's adrenaline to kick in and allow her to recover and get on her feet. Jayden turned around just in time to see Cat raise her saber, say "Carpe Diem. Seize the Day!", and take his head with one final blow.

Cat saw Jayden's head fall on the ground next to his lifeless body, and saw the power starting to escape his body. Duncan froze not sure of what to do. He saw the power hit Cat, and he wasn't sure how she would handle it. The first one was always a bad one.

She stood there frozen as thousands of bolts of electricity ran through her body paralyzing her. She wanted to scream in pain, but when she opened her mouth, nothing came out but a muffled sound.

The power was so strong, that windows on Duncan's barge and houseboats around, were blown out. The lampposts blew their bulbs, and the water was filled with explosions like a bomb had been planted under the water.

Finally, Cat fell to the ground in exhaustion. Duncan ran over to her lying on the dock still. Duncan thought at first she might have been killed, but she was still breathing. Breathing shallow, but very rapid. When she came to, Duncan helped her up and just held her. She was scared and crying hysterically.

Anne walked onto the dock at that time, and ran over to them. Before she even saw Jaydens' headless body, she knew what had happened. Both Duncan and Anne helped her into the boat, and laid her on the couch. She lied there shivering and crying. Anne ran into the bedroom and grabbed a blanket and covered Cat.

Cat just laid there shivering. No one said anything, but tried comforting her with their gestures. Anne looked at Duncan with a look like "Why does this have to happen to someone so young?" Duncan just sat on the table next to the couch holding Cat's hand.

After about an hour, Cat had calmed down enough to talk. She had had her eyes closed since she was brought in, even though she was awake, and suddenly she opened her eyes, looked at Duncan and said, "I can't do this!", and fell asleep.