Cross of Swords: Part 8:
Ancient Ruins in Merida Mexico
November 1995

Chris knew she had been gone longer than she had told Cat and Joe, but she needed the trip. It had been exactly fifty years since she had lost Will, and she had come to the Mayan Ruins in Mexico to mourn. The ruins were considered Holy Ground, and this is where they had met, got married, and where she came to escape from the Game.

***Merida Mexico: 1746***

Jordan was riding her horse across the Yucatan Peninsula towards the coast, when she got the buzz. She brought her horse to a stop and looked around for the source. Under a tree near a pond stood a man about 10 years her senior and he walked towards her. She drew her sword out of habit and as protection.

"This is Holy Ground, there is no need for that here. I am William Jose Vincente."

"I see no markings of Holy Ground, prove thyself or die."

Will pulled out a map from around 500 AD. "You are standing on the ruins of a temple named The Pyramid of the Magician*."

Jordan looked at the map and then at the man before her. She saw the trust in his eyes, and even though she had learned over the years not to trust anyone, she withdrew her sword and stepped down off her horse. "I am Jordan Christine Renwyck."


Three months later, they married at the place they met and 200 years later, that is where she buried his headless body. Now she came back to mourn him. "I will avenge your death Will, I promise you that. If I ever find that bastard, his head is mine!"

***Arizona 1946***

Chris and Will were working on their farm when they got the buzz. Will drew his sword and searched. "Chrissy, get inside."

"Will, I am able to handle myself. In the 200 years we have been married, have I not proven myself to you?"

"Help!" came a voice from the back of the barn. "Someone help me!"

Chris and Will ran to the back of the barn toward the voice. There under an overturned plow laid a boy about fifteen. Chris and Will pulled the plow off him and took him inside. "I am William and this is my wife Jordan Christine. Are you lost?"

"My teacher. He lost his head and now the guy who did it is after me. Can you hide me?"

It had been a trick and Will fell for it. He had always loved children and gladly took the boy in. Chris had been skeptical from the start. Her intuition told her this boy was trouble, and a month later, her intuition had proved her right.

She had gone into town to get supplies and came home in time to see the end of a Quickening coming from behind the barn. She ran back there and saw Will's headless body lying on the ground. She ran after the kid, but he was quick and got away. She went back to Will's body and held him crying and screaming her revenge.


"Christine!" Chris came out of her thoughts to find a Watcher looking up at her.

"How did you find me?" she asked. Only two people knew where she might have been and they wouldn't have told her secret unless it was an emergency.


'Ok, so it is an emergency.' She thought to herself. Methos would have never given her secret away unless he had to. This was a special place and he was the only Watcher who knew why she would be there. She walked down the steps of the pyramid and walked over to the Watcher. "What's going on?"

"There's trouble with Cat. You have to get back."

"Did he say what was wrong? Is she ok?"

"I don't know, he just said to get in touch with you and for you to call him as soon as possible."

"Thanks, I will."