After the Fire: Part 8:
That afternoon

Bray was lying in the corner, almost asleep when the door opened. She sat up startled, as a body was tossed through the door. The door was slammed shut. "Methos?" she said straining to see in the dim light, "Oh no! Not you too." Bray got to him just before he came around.

Methos took a deep breath as his eyes opened, "5000 plus years and it doesn't get any better."

Bray helped him sit up against the wall and began asking questions. "What happened? How'd you get here? Where's Richie?" she asked without taking a breath.

"One at at time please. Where's Cat?" he asked surveying the small dark cell.

Bray sat cross legged in front of him, "I have no idea. I don't even know if she's alive. They won't tell me anything, as if I expected them to after they broke my fingers in the door."

"First they called us and told us to meet them under a bridge by Notre Dame. Then they shot us and the next thing I know, I'm waking up in here." he said taking a look at the bullet hole in his shirt.

"Well, I know one thing. They sure aren't very creative." she smiled, tugging at the identical hole in his shirt with her fingers.

"We did manage to figure out that they're Hunters." Methos said resting his arms on his upraised knees.

Bray looked up, "We were set up. All of us."

"That's what it looks like. They just used Lane as bait." he answered.

"So I guess we're dead huh?" she said as her voice trailed off.

Methos smiled, "Well, I don't think they brought us here for a vacation."


Cat sat on her cot trying to think of a way out, when the door opened. She jumped up and ran to the door, but was blocked by a body being thrown in with her. "Richie?" she asked as the body knocked her to the ground. "Great, Bray would kill me for this." She said crawling out from under him and helping him to the cot.

A few minutes later, Richie came to. "Bray? Oh it's you Cat."

"Yeah well, I'm just as happy to see you too." she said with a smug look on her face. "I don't even want to know how you got here, but I assume Methos is probably somewhere around here?"

"I don't know. We were both shot and that's all I remember. Where's Bray?"

Cat turned pale. How was she going to tell Richie, the girl he'd been in love with for over 30 years was dead. "I don't know." she lied.

"Well, we got to find a way out of here. I can't stand not knowing where or how Bray is!" he said trying to open the door.

"It's no use. We're stuck in here for God knows how long."

Richie turned and paced the room. "We have to get out of here. I have got to find Bray. She's the one thing I have left in this world."

Cat broke down crying. She had to tell him. "Richie sit down."

"I don't want to sit down! I want to find Bray. I have to tell her I love her."

"Richie, this is hard for me to tell you. I don't think Bray is alive."


Bray tossed another stone at the wall, "I didn't even tell him I loved him." A tear rolled down her cheek.

"You know he said the same thing about you the night you and Cat disappeared." Methos said tossing another stone.

"Well, at least I know he cares about me. He doesn't have someone tell me how he feels." she said throwing her last stone with all her force. She was scared and it came out as anger.

"What's that suppose to mean? Cat knows how I feel about her. She knows I love her. Sure I've only told her once, but she knows."

"Do me one favor." Bray said as she stood up, "If we ever get out of here? Make sure you tell her again." She kicked at the stones, "She really loves you. You can hear it in her voice when she says your name. Her eyes light up at the sound of your voice. The only thing is, she's doesn't know how you feel and you may loose her."

"We just have to get out of here first. Then believe me, Cat will know 'exactly' how I feel."


"You're wrong Cat!" Richie yelled. "I'd know it if she was dead. She can't be! She has got to be here somewhere. She's not dead!"

Cat put her arm around Richie. "Richie, don't you think if she were alive, they'd have put us together?"

Richie turned to face her, "But I can feel it. She's alive. She's here somewhere."

"I hope your right Richie. I hope your right."


Megs and Chance knew Joe was behind them. They expected it. But they what they didn't expect was to drive halfway across France to get to where they were now.

"I don't like this Mary." Chance said as they got out of his car. "I think you should stay in the car."

"No, Chance. This is partly my fault and I'm going with you. We just have to keep hidden."

Joe parked beside them and got out of his car "You know, if I was still in the Watchers, I could have you demoted for this!" he said as he walked towards them.

"Sorry Uncle Joe, but we just couldn't sit there and wait. I hate waiting!" Mary said.

"Now what?" Chance asked.

"We find some guards and knock them out." Joe explained. "Then we dress in their clothes and sneak in and find them."

"Then let's go." Chance said as the started to look for a way to put the plan into action.