Chris's Chronicles Book 1: Part 4:
With love and understanding...
Rebecca's Castle: 1668- Six months Later

Amanda had been right, Jordan did need Rebecca's help. In the six months since she and Jordan had left Duncan for Rebecca's, Jordan grew stronger and a lot more confident. Amanda would be forever in Rebecca's debt for what she had done for her, and loved her like the mother she never had. Rebecca was always more than happy to see Amanda, and was amazed how much Jordan had learned before she arrived. All Rebecca had to do was help her come out of her shell and use the gift Jordan possessed.

One day Amanda and Rebecca were standing over the railing of the castle watching Jordan spar with a dummy Rebecca had made for Amanda so may years ago. "She had a good teacher."

Amanda looked at Jordan and then at Rebecca "If only she fought like this against Mars."

"She wasn't ready. You weren't your first time. With someone like Mars, you need to come to grips with yourself before you can fight. She was just beginning to understand what he had done to her and that was what stopped her from fighting like that." Jordan stopped fighting and looked up towards Rebecca and Amanda. She smiled and then went back to fighting the dummy. "So how does Duncan feel about this, I know you saw him in town the other day."

"Duncan and I aren't on speaking terms at the moment. He thinks I'm letting Jordan run away from her problems instead of facing them."

"Are you?"

Amanda looked puzzled "What makes you think that?"

"Would you have fought Mars had Jordan lost?"

"Of course."


"Would you have fought had I lost that day?"

"If I had been challenged."

"That's all?"

"Amanda, you can't fight other peoples battles. You may be as very wise, but you still have a lot to learn."

Amanda looked at Rebecca as if she had been slapped in the face. The day of Amanda's first Quickening was a hard one. She had been followed by a man for several days, and retreated to Rebecca's castle for sanctuary...


Rebecca's Castle- 853 AD

"Rebecca! Rebecca!" Amanda cried looking for her teacher as she stood on the balcony. Rebecca appeared at the window and looked down at her student. Rebecca knew before Amanda had hollered what it was. There was another Immortal around.

"You can not come here every time you are challenged."

"Rebecca please." Amanda pleaded. "I'm not good enough."

"Will you run all your life?" She said starting down at the Immortal below. She knew Amanda was afraid but she had to face it sooner or later. "Choose your ground... choose your weapon and face what is to come. You're more than good enough."

A few hours later, Rebecca sat alone in her castle worried. Amanda had not yet returned from the challenge. Finally she got the buzz and Amanda appeared in Rebecca's chamber. Rebecca walked to the secret cabinet and opened the lid. She opened the container holding the crystals of Methuselah's Stone and handed Amanda one.

"Do you remember what I told you three years ago when you tried to steal this?" she said as she placed a piece in Amanda's palm and closed her finger's into a fist around Amanda's.

Amanda nodded. "That one day I will have earned it and it would mean the world to me."

"This is the day." Rebecca said as she let go of her students hand. "Your training with me is done, I can teach you know more."


"But that was different. You pushed me into fighting knowing I was ready."

"Did I? You were ready, and you knew it as much as I. And when she is ready, you will give her the push she needs even if she thinks she's not."

"Do you think she is now?"

"That is not for me to decide. The question is, do you think she's ready?"

Amanda looked at her teacher and then at her student. Jordan had not been the first student Amanda had, but she felt they had bonded the same way she had to Rebecca. Amanda knew this must have been how Rebecca felt the day Amanda took her first head. If it hadn't have been for Rebecca's love and understanding that day, she wouldn't be here. "I think so, and I think she knows it as well but she just won't admit it to herself."

"If you are sure, then give her that push. There is no more we can teach her."

Amanda looked down at Jordan and nodded. She walked into the castle and into the courtyard. "Want a real partner?" Amanda asked.

Jordan looked puzzled for a moment and then nodded. "Just practice right?" Even though she completely trusted Amanda, she was still wary when they sparred.

"Of course." Amanda drew her sword and the fight began. Amanda knew exactly what kind of push to give Jordan, and she didn't think Jordan would catch on. Amanda didn't fight as well as she usually did in hopes that Jordan's confidence would increase. It was the only way to give her the little push she needed. Within minutes, it was over and Amanda smiled. "You won."

"You were not playing fair, you let your guard down." Jordan protested.

"No I wasn't." She said in a convincing voice. "You won fair and square."

"I could never be better than you! How could you do that to me?" Jordan screamed and threw her sword down.

Amanda looked up at Rebecca puzzled. Her plan to give Jordan that push backfired. "I just wanted to show you that you were ready now. You're training is over. There's nothing more Rebecca or I can do for you."

"I am not ready. I..."

Amanda hugged Jordan and smiled. "Yes you are. I know your scared, but it's time."

Jordan realized Amanda was right. It had been almost a year, and she had had three of the best teachers anyone could ever have. "Will I ever see you again?"

Amanda let go of Jordan and smiled. "Of course you will. Duncan and I as well as Rebecca will always be here if you need us."

"I will go then. Let me gather what little I have." She said as she headed towards the castle.

"No." Rebecca called from above. "Tonight we will celebrate. Then in the morning if you wish, then you may go."

Jordan nodded and smiled. "Thank you. Thank you both."