A Walk Down Memory Lane

On the eve of what would have been the weekend of my 15th High School Reunion, a friend of mine asked me how was my life different than how I thought it would be. What was I into? What did I do for fun? What were my friends like? You get the drift.

It's Hard to believe I graduated High School in a different millenium let alone almost 2 decades ago! Those that knew me back then can tell you I had my life planned to a T. My friend Tashawas always telling me I was crazy and I needed to enjoy life while I was young. I thought she was the one that was nuts and couldn't believe the only thing she was thinking about at the time was a certain friend of mine.

So I started writing A Walk Down Memory Lane. Some things have changed, others haven't. God it's frigtening to see how much I've grown and changed since then. I'm trying to find pics to accompany the stories, but until then, enjoy!