Update News for November 2007
November 26, 2007
Woohoo 3 stories for your reading pleasure!!!! Consequences Be Damned is the first in my Angst Series. Lou finally tells Kid the truth about her past after her confrontation with Wicks, but can Kid accept the fact Lou once did something that goes against everything he believed in?
In See Kid and See Lou see their relationship in the style of the See Dick, See Jane stories. Blame it on Shannon!
November 9, 2007
Ok, I know it's been over a month since the last update, life sucks, deal with it! But my 2007 TYR Reunion Fan Fic Story Love on the Run is now posted!
Since it was for the reunion, there are two different versions of some chapters. There's the normal PG version and then there are adult versions of 2 chapters.
Enjoy and hopefully I'll have more soon, I'm waiting on my new laptop!!!!